Monday, December 22, 2014


Finally, a much needed vacation... almost 10 am and I sit here in my bathrobe, having spent time reading (currently The Martian ) and catching up on everyone's awesome quilting blogs.  I am loving the Grand Illusion mystery but refuse to start it!  I have way too much going on up there in my mess called a quilting room-actually there is nothing going on in the mess and that is the biggest problem.  Maybe I will eventually get up there this week...
Have to show off my Christmas spirit though...Note the new Poodle added to my menagerie.

My pink poodle is much better behaved than my black one.  Speaking of whom, I should go get dressed and take Diablo Jack for a walk.  He was just caught eating my pin cushion...

Earlier I was looking back at my Running post.  I haven't gone running since July when I did my 10K.  Guess I will basically be starting from scratch again.  First goal, a week of walking.  Then we will see what happens on the running front.  My daughter has her Driver's License now, which should give me an additional hour and a half per day that can be filled by exercise and possibly quilting. 

When I first started this blog, it was to log my goal of finishing at least one quilt per month for the year.  I am seriously considering making that a goal again this year.  However, the priority is health!  I have lost my stamina and have to reclaim it!
Happy Quilting everyone!

And Happy Holidays from our house to yours!

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