Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Progress on goals

10 pounds down since Jan.1st.  Very happy but feeling a little discouraged at the same time.

Need some inspiration to start running again!  I signed up for my running group which starts this weekend (not going to be able to make the first run because of Long Arm Quilting Group) and I signed up for the very challenging, uphill most of the way, 5K-the Shamrock Shuffle that I need to train for.  Still, motivation hasn't set in!

House is a disastrous mess!  Not doing well on this goal at all!

Quilting is about the same, a little of this, a little of that, and not a whole lot of progress on any one thing.  Focus, Girl!  Focus!
Block I "designed" for a donation quilt that members of my guild are working on.

And another...

Can't believe February is almost here!!!!


  1. Way to go on ten pounds..I know how hard that is...and just think of what you could have gained if you weren't losing, lol that makes it even better! I am thinking I should rejoin weight fact you might have just put the bug in my ear to look up what fits my schedule! :)

    1. I have just been using the online version. I am liking it.



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