The leaf quilt was made by my husband. It is the first and only quilt he has ever pieced and then he hand quilted it. I can't get him to do any more-except he recently started a Hawaiian hand applique. He is really very good-I think it is the engineer in him-it comes out in perfect points and stitches!
I got some tic tac toe blocks done today for the Block Lotto for January. If you are interested in joining, see the block lotto link on my sidebar under my blogs.
I also made a little quilt out of some scraps from quilts for my round robin group. I hope it will be finished very soon so that I can post pics!
Though I have already finished my January project towards my goal, I would love to be able to get a little ahead and get a second one finished before the week is up.
great banner picture. love those tictactoe blocks. very cute