Here is my step one of the charm pack quilt along...(see side bar)
I used brights from my stash with a white from my stash so I may need more before this project is over. I tried to mix it up pretty well but I had just taken all my bright scrap pieces to my mom for her liberated log cabin blocks.
Here is a flimsy that will probably go to a friend's grand daughter-not sure yet if this is the one.
Progress on my husbands "Black and Tan". I am ready to sew the blocks together. Maybe I will get a chance to do that tomorrow...
I can't wait for my delivery next week-then I will be able to set the sewing room back up and put things out where I can use them-get back to my Anniversary Stars and all of my BOMs.
I spent a lot of time helping my cousin with a quilt these past few days-can't show it because it will be a surprise for someone eventually. I also helped her daughter with a table runner. Had lots of fun, wish they didn't have to return home already but hopefully we will see them again very soon.
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