Saturday, December 18, 2010

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

 So, we did finally get a decent snow on Friday night-about 6 inches actually.  It has almost all melted away already but looks like we might get a little more tonight.  Here is our front yard scene thanks to my hubby.  I didn't even go out and help this year like I usually do, I sent the kids instead. 
And, here are some of the cookies we made today-me, my sister, my mom, and my kids with a lot of assistance from my dear hubby again-he cleaned up after us and helped whenever we called.  The sign is one that a good friend bought me for Christmas.  I thought it was appropriate for showing with the cookies.  This picture only shows about half of the amount we made.  Hope I have lots of visitors dropping in so that I have someone to share these with or my skinny girl may just be silenced permanently.  The kids did the decorating for the sugar cookies.  They did a nice job.  The kids and hubby also did a great job on the laundry and cleaning this morning before we got started with the cookies.  I may even make it up to the sewing room for a little while tomorrow. 


  1. Catching up on your blog; CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! You made your deadline!!!!!

    Also----wouldn't mind some of those cookies....where do you live again???

  2. I am way down here in New Mexico but there are plenty of cookies to share. Drop in whenever you want. :)



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