Friday, March 18, 2011

To make it look like I have been quilting...

Here are my March Block Lotto blocks.  I don't think I will be making any more of them. 

I like the way they look but the measurements are somewhat off and they are a lot of work. 

Here is the quilt I was quilting when I ran out of thread.  I am sure some of you remember it.  It has been a finished top for at least a year.  it was made with block lotto blocks I won in January 2010.  I have another one with the same blocks, waiting to be quilted.  I am really loving this pantograph.  It is by D. Hudson ( and is called EZ.  

This is some of the blocks from my Serendipity quilt-named by my husband because I didn't do any planning of which fabrics would go where.

It is based on the pattern in this book...

For this quilt. 

Here is the status of my Double Delight Mystery quilt from years ago.  I am hoping to make some progress on it soon.  Bonnie would be shocked, I am sure. 

Here is one I have been working on recently.  It has a long story to go with it that I will tell when I post it as finished. 

Here is a sideways view (don't know why they don't let us rotate) of one of two baby quilts that need to be quilted.  My sister has a friend who is having twin boys later this spring.  Love this fabric. 

So, some pictures to make it look like I actually have been making progress.  it's about time!

1 comment:

  1. **whistle**

    Those are quite the collection of "See! I AM working" pictures!!! Thanks for sharing information on the EZ pantograph; always on the lookout for more and THAT one is adorable! What size machine/armbed do you use?



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