I had to go in today to finish up. Here are some of the finishing touches, though you may not notice a big difference.
This was a very dirty cabinet I pulled out of my garage. It had been holding paint cans of all varieties which had left many rusty rings. The outside was rough from the pressboard aging also. I scrubbed it real good this AM and then went and grabbed me some contact paper. It is actually pretty cute now. It does not hold as much as I had hoped though. I still don't have enough room for hiding my snacks. It just held the plates, cups, forks etc.
I put up a few more posters, made my desk messier, you know...the usual teacher stuff.
This is the view over my computer. I had to get that Thor hottie in there-for historical value you know. I do eventually get to Vikings-in about May.
My fabulous, if somewhat reluctant helper. He is such a great kid. When I didn't have a job for him to work on, he occupied himself with crafts that he brought along and coloring.
I also got my second set of curtains up. They are very wrinkled and I keep forgetting to take the Wrinkle Free spray. Hope I remember it on Monday. I think they will be very helpful with keeping it cool and also for viewing the TV.
I hope to get to spend some time on quilting tomorrow but there are so many other things I need to do too. I will just have to see.
Happy back to school everyone...
Best of luck with a new school year. I'm sure quilting time will be hard to come by for a while. Your room looks great though, definitely worth the effort.