We stayed at Jemez Falls Campground. It is about a mile hike/walk to the falls-here you see just the top but they are small, gentle falls. You can see my feet and my son's over to the left. My daughter is in the middle. The campground wasn't fabulous but the falls made it worth it!
Here is the very small "pond' at the top of the falls. It reminded me of the streams we camped near in these same mountains so many times when I was a kid. I always loved wading in the stream-still loved it this time!

The view from our campsite, just after the lovely 2 hour mountain storm we had. The lightning was close, the thunder loud and the rain cool. We played cards and napped in the tent, waking up to a fresh mountain breeze.
This lovely pink sunset was mother nature's gift for our 15th Anniversary. We stayed awake and watched the stars for hours-what could be more romantic??? Forget the bugs, dirt, other campers, kids....
On our way home, we stopped at Soda Dam-kids standing on top here...I came here regularly as a kid-smells like sulfur just as I remembered.
Up against the dam here.
We had a lot of fun, ate a lot of food, got really dirty and now we are all pretty lazy. So, probably no quilting until tomorrow.
Hope you all are enjoying your summer too!
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